Friday, October 29, 2010

Angels on Earth

When we are asking the Lord for guidance be on the lookout for your answers. The answers most often come from places or people we could never imagine.
Ask your Angels to guide you to the answer.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hidden Blessings

We can get so frustrated when things don't go our way.
Remember that God answers all our prayers, Maybe we are praying on things thst aren't supposed to happen for us right now.
Try not to get discouraged when the time is right our prayers will be answered.
We have to learn to be patient and have Faith in God and our Angels they will continue to guide us in the right direction.
Keep praying and asking for signs.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

As I sit with my Dad in critical care I can't help but notice all the other patients around me.
It is very draining for me because I see through gifted eyes.
I can tell who is going to make it and who is crossing over.
There is alot of spiritual energy at the hospital sometimes good energy sometimes bad.
It has taught me to appreciate who and what I have in my life.
I met a woman the next room over.
I heard her pleading to her husband to come up and visit her that she was scared and lonely.
She then hung up on him.
So I went in to talk to her. I was a little nervous at first that she would kick me out of her room and tell me it was none of my business but she did quite the opposite.
We talked for probably only 10 minutes.
She was already tired from argueing on the phone.
I could tell that she is going to get better and I believe I helped in some way just by letting her know that I cared.
I asked her if she believed in God and Angels and she said sometimes.
Well you know thats all I needed to hear so we said a little prayer together and I told her don't give up God is always here we are never alone.

Sometimes we need to take time to encourage someone else it may be a stranger or someone you know.
You might just save there life or give them the courage and strength to keep them going in a new and better direction.

Call on Archangel Micheal he is always with us. He gives you courage and helps release you from the effects of fear.
I called on him before I entered her room and he was there giving us both courage.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A new day
A new vision....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Answered Prayers

All our prayers are answered.

Many times God enlists people to act as Earth Angels who bring you answers to your prayers.
Be alert to help that comes your way and be sure to except that help.
You do deserve this.....

I was asking and praying for help yesterday and my prayers were answered by a stranger.
I looked up and thanked God and my Angels.

Keep Praying for YOU!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Music lifts the soul

Take time today to listen to music.
Add more music to your life.
When you sing it is a release of happiness.

Ask your angels to play music today that lifts you up.
When you are in your car or maybe at home listen to the radio.
Your Angels will have you hear songs that are messages for you.

Maybe you have your own musical gifts that you share with others.
Let your Angels guide you to help others through your music or songs.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rearview Mirror

Stop looking in the rear view mirror of life.

We can't do anything about the past,and we have no guarantees about the future we can only fix the right now.
Your past does not have to poison your future.
When you go to bed at night ask God to forgive you and seek forgiveness from anyone you may have hurt.
Forgive the people who have hurt you.
And most importantly forgive yourself.

It is not healthy to hold on to these feelings this will stop you from growing.
Just because you forgive it does not mean that the situation you went through was o.k.
You will never forget what was done to you but if you let it go and give it to God you will only get better.

I had mentioned my father not being well and visiting him often.
My father has never been a very spiritual man. He has been asking me alot about God and heaven.
I started reading him the bible and he said he found this comforting but he was afraid he wouldn't be forgiven for all his wrong doings.
I told him God forgives everyone no matter what they have done and his answer to me was why would he forgive me if I never let him into my life.
I then got chills all over me and my angel whispered in my ear tell him God has always been with him he never left.

God will always be here for us we have to let him in.
We can not dwell on the past but keep looking forward.
We are not perfect we will make mistakes.
Learn from them and move on.

Friday, September 17, 2010

God does not send us problems but sometimes He allows us to go through them.
He may be trying to toughen you up a little and teach you not to run from everything that is hard.
God will not change the people we are around He will only change YOU.

Look inside yourself today and see if there are any changes that God can help you with.
Sometimes God puts people in our path to learn about ourselves.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Higher Thoughts

We must continue to keep our mind set on higher things.
The higher things are the positive that is happening in our life.
Learn to look at the best in every situation.
Believe have Faith and ask your Angels and God for guidance.

When something negative happens in our life the first thoughts we have are not positive thoughts. Negative thoughts bombard us. Right then and there we must choose to trust God and not allow ourselves to get down and discouraged or just give up.
We choose where our mind goes and if we keep positive, Positive things happen.

Get your mind set on happiness,peace,love,abundance, and those things will overcome any negative that comes your way.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Special People

Because the sun can't shine everyday
We have good friends to keep the day bright...

Today Thank that special person in your life that always seems to make your day brighter even on the most darkest days.
Continue to ask your Angels to put people in your path that are good for you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Prayer For My Dad

As I sit here silently with my dad I pray for him
He no longer prays for himself
Help him Lord to forgive himself and all his wrong doings
I trust in you Father
Let me be a channel of your calming peace
For his pain is to deep for my words
Whisper to him your words of love
He stands in need of strength
I put my trust in you Lord to show him the way
Lift up his soul and fill his heart with love

My Dad is not well and I have been very busy going back and forth to the hospital so I apologize for not writing for awhile
I ask my angels and guides for there comfort
And continue to pray for strength to get through

Friday, September 3, 2010

"Oh Ye of Little Faith"

Give us more Faith.
We have so little....we say.
Yet we have faith in each other.
We have faith in people whom we do not know -
In checks and banks,in trains and airplanes,
in cooks, and in strangers who drive us in cabs.
Forgive us for our stupidity,
Help Us have faith in you who knows us altogether

Thursday, September 2, 2010


It is easy to discount your family or take them for granted.
Your family is a part of your history.
Your family is a part of who you are.

It may be hard to sometimes connect with one another because we all are on different paths and journeys.
Try not to judge and learn to accept them for who they are.
Pray for them.
And let them know you Love them.....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Reving Up Your Body

Pay attention to your Physical Body.
Ask your Angels to help you motivate yourself to exercise and eat better.
Think of your physical being as a car.
You need to get tune ups to run properly.

Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do for YOU!

Monday, August 30, 2010


In your dreams you are receiving important messages. Keep a dream journal.
When you wake write them down. Just write any little bit you can remember the rest will unravel in your memory throughout the day.
Review your dream journal often these reoccurring dreams that you have are messages from your Angels.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thank You God

Today be thankful for what you do have in your life instead of wishing for things you don't have.....

God wants us to be thankful and appreciate the gifts He has given us.
Be thankful for your job instead of complaining about it.
There are so many people who would Love to have your job just to be able to feed there families.
Thank God for the warm and caring people He has put in your life.
There are so many lonely people that wish they had a good friend.
Thank God for your home.
There are so many people who don't have one.

So today lets Thank God for all the good we have in our life and open ourselves up to those less fortunate than we are.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Greater the Struggle , The Greater Reward

I am trusting in you God to turn negative situations for good.
I will not get even, I will not allow myself to remain discouraged because of how someone else is treating me.
I will ask my Angels for guidance and strength.
I will put good out to the universe.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gods Favor

Gods love is based on what you are...Not what you do!

Continue to pray for yourself and Gods favor.
He will always give you what you need.

Help me Lord to learn how to live favor-minded,to expect the best,to anticipate success rather than failure,to see good rather than evil.
Even through these difficult times I will believe that I have your favor and You will bring me out stronger and better than ever before.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

He Will See You Through

God is turning things around in your favor!
God is opening doors for you!

Believe in good health
Good relationships
Increase in abundance

Choose to be a believer not a doubter.
Today live in faith trusting in God and your angels.
Even when tough times come He Will See You Through...

Sometimes you can feel at your lowest maybe you have stopped believing and praying.
Maybe you are praying and keeping faith and you still feel nothing is happening.

God still has a great plan for your life be patient.
God and your Angels are listening.
Don't give up.

Keep your hopes up!
You might think your life is in too big of a mess.
There is nothing too great or too small that God can't fix.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Be Awesome

You are awsome in so many ways.
You are beginning to trust and reveal your true nature more easily.
You don't have to hide your feelings from others (or yourself).
Ask your Angels to help you talk about your feelings to your friends and loved one.
Your Angels will never guide you to say anything that would hurt you or anyone else.
When you do this today you will develope a new level of inner peace.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Something for You

I would like to write about topics, or issues that my followers may have. So if you have anything please leave me a comment on one of my most recent post. I will take these and meditate on them.

Friday, August 13, 2010

You can't change the people around you.
You can only change yourself.

You have to set boundaries.
Learn to say no.
Sometimes we get ourselves into difficult situations because we are not honest or we don't want to hurt someones feelings.
In the long run our energy weakens and it is exhausting.

Your job is to keep focused on you.
Keep doing Your best.
Don't let anyone get in the way.

It is good to be there for others but only when we can truly be there for ourselves..

Thursday, August 12, 2010

You will not enjoy your life
until you can enjoy yourself...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Letting Go to Grow

When you hold unforgiveness in your heart you are only punishing yourself.
Surrender your hurts to God and your Angels.

Sit in a quiet place.
Imagine your Angels all around you.
Think about your situation.
Completely release all of it.
Watch and feel as your Angels lift this from you.

This will start your healing process.

Our Angels are so powerful.
Trust in them.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Take Time to Smell the Roses

Take time to play.
When you are doing something you enjoy you are relaxed.
Take time for yourself.
Regular doses of fun help your spirit grow.
God wants us to enjoy our life to the fullest.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Messages through Meditation

You can receive messages through meditation.

Start by closing your eyes.
Take three deep breaths in and out.
Clear your mind.
Imagine a white light all around you.
Ask your Angels to help you.
Ask your question.
The answer will come.

Asking for a new Love :
The Angels will prepare you to be aware of new people entering your life.
Someone new will be unlike your previous partners.
Be open to changes in your current relationships and don't cling tightly to ideas of how you think relationships should be.
This is a time for a wonderful change in your love life.
Trust God and your Guardian Angels to work things out for your highest good.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


When you start praying and asking your Angels for guidance there will be many positive changes in your life.
Your gut feelings will be stronger, inner voice and visions clearer.
Trust in your Angels to guide you in the right direction.

Friday, August 6, 2010


You have asked God & your Angels for help. Pay attention to the signs they are giving you.
They might ask a butterfly or a bird to fly near you. Maybe you will hear a song or be compelled to play a song over and over.
They might put an object in your path so you have to notice it.
Whatever the signs might be open yourself up to receive them. Your Angels are trying to get through.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Love Yourself

View yourself with loveing eyes today.
A better you comes from a positive mind-set.
See yourself through your angels eyes.
You are a child of God which he makes no mistakes.
God and our angels love is unconditional.
Let your love be unconditional to you.
Feeling bad about yourself makes your spirit sink.

Know that you are perfect in every way.
Let go of self-judgement and enjoy being you.....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Recondition your Mind

Learn to look for the best in every situation.
No matter what you are going through if you look hard enough and keep the right attitude you will always find something good about the experience.

When a negative thought comes to mind turn it into a positive.
Recondition your mind.
What you put out to the universe is what will be....
If you are having financial trouble and you keep saying, "I will never have enough money to pay my bills" , "I won't get that new job I am under qualified" etc.
You will get just that!
If you turn these thoughts around and say "I WILL" guaranteed that will happen.
Don't think too much about how, just know it will be.

Remember the Universe is always listening and God opens new doors for you everyday.
It is up to you to go through them.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Call on your Angels

When we face or fears there is no greater reward than to be proud of yourself.
You don't need to seek outside yourself for admiration.
Call on your Angels to guide you through. They are waiting to hear from you.
Your Angels are there to support you so you can spiritually grow.

A quiet mind hears the voice of the angels more easily.
Quiet your mind so that your angelic communications can be heard loud and clear.
Do this as if you are talking to a friend. Let it come naturally.
Ask them for help.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Special people are those who have the ability to share there lives with others. They are Honest,Compassionate,Giving and Sincere. They are proud to be who they are.
Ask the Lord to surround you with people like this. Close the door to negative influences and energies.
The Lord is waiting for you to ask of this.
He will open that door to new friendships trust in him.

Growing up I always yearned for that special father/daughter relationship
At times I felt bitter and angry.
I started to pray and ask the Lord to send me a good man one I could be proud to call my father.
The Lord sent me not one good man but two.
One is my Husband and the other is my father-in-law.
Our daughter will never grow up feeling what I felt. And I know now how it feels to have that special father/daughter relationship.
The Lord could not change my father unless he wanted to change. So he sent me someone else.
Not until I was able to except the fact my father would never be the man I was hoping he would be. And forgive him. The Lord answered my prayers.
Through my journey I still meet those special people who make my life beautiful.

To all the men who read my blog know how important and special you are....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Embrace Change

Welcome changes that come your way. Know that God has something Greater in store for you. Bigger than you could ever imagine. Have faith and believe. God doesn't make mistakes. He wants what is best for us. God wants us to be happy and live a fulfilled life.
When change is upon us lets open our eyes wider and be more excepting of what is in store.
If you let it you will grow to be even stronger than before.
Embrace this change and let it take you to your New Begginings.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hidden Blessings

All of us face disappointments in our life. No matter how much faith we have or how good a person you are. Sooner or later something or someone will come along and shake our faith. We need to stay on track and keep focused.
The devil tests us from time to time. The power within us is much greater than he.
I have a client who lost her job. Talk about disappointment. She was in bed for a week before she called me. When she called she was very bitter and angry. I asked her if she had been praying she said yes but she didn't think God was listening. Just because we haven't gotten any answers doesn't mean God isn't working for us. My client had more important issues she needed to focus on in her life. She had some health issues that would have gone unnoticed if she still had been working. My client was having symptoms a long time ago of fatigue and masked it by saying she was working too much. Heartburn that wouldn't go away, again she thought because of her hours at work she was eating a lot of takeout foods. During her week of sadness she felt as though she was having a hard time breathing and thought it was anxiety. I told her she needed to go that day to the E.R. to get checked out. They did tests and found that she had two leaky valves around her heart and needed surgery. She is recovering and starting to feel better than she had in a long time.
God had always been listening and working. When we go through unexpected changes there is always a hidden blessing.
You see losing her job which she thought was the worse thing in the world saved her life.
Keep praying and know that God is always listening.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blessing Others

With our kind words we can bless people around us. We need to speak loving words that encourage and inspire others. When we do this we are speaking blessings into there lives and they will be blessed.
Today bless someone with positive words. When we do this it also brings blessings to us.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Let Go and Let God

It is very important to start forgiving those who have hurt you in your life. I know that this is a tough one. Pray for them. Once you have truly done this in a positive way we will grow. Because we forgive it does not mean we will forget. When we forgive there has been lessons learned and we can let go.

Grant me courage to forgive
Create in me a pure heart
Heal what has been broken and destroyed
Wash away all this negativity that comes with this
I do not want to become hateful or bitter
While I sleep release this from me
Let me see the new beginnings coming my way

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

On my journey I have met all different kinds of people. I've met men who are sensitive and caring and men who are cruel and self centered.
I've known women who are sincere and honest and woman who are jealous and hateful.
I've seen smiles filled with lies and tears wet with truths.
Surround yourself with positive energies. Ask the lord to weed out those that are around you that are not good for you. Fill your life with those who still believe in honesty, sincerity, compassion, and true Love.

Lord help us weed out the people in our lives that are not good for our soul.
Fill our life with positive energies and good teachers.
May you continue to give us light to guide us,
Courage to support us,
and Love to unite us.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Give Your All

If you believe in yourself your dreams will come true. Life is a precious gift which anything is possible. We must search for our own ideals and work towards reaching those goals. You have the power of getting what you want on your journey. Make good choices and take chances. Stay focused on your future and be willing to give all that you are to make your wishes and dreams come true.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Power of Prayer

Never once think we are alone in this world. The Lord is standing right beside us. Prayer will change your life. Talk to God as if he were a friend. You are unlimited in your powers of health, strength, and love. Ask of him this and it will be. The lord will see you through. Have Faith in God , Spirit , and the Invisible.
Saying these words or I would call it a prayer has helped me. I wanted to share this with you today.

Lord teach me to ask you each moment silently for your help,
If I make mistakes Lord teach me to ask for forgiveness
Teach me how to forgive myself as you forgive me,
Give me the strength to get through difficult times,
Help me trust in you and for all that is good,
Let me see the good changes that are in store for me,
Let me feel your hand in mine giving me the power to believe in myself as you believe in me.
Thankyou Lord for your teachings and Blessings

Friday, July 9, 2010

Lead By Example

Fill your mind with pleasing thoughts today. Do not let any outside influences distract you. People who are not satisfied or happy in there lives try to bring us down with them. We all create our own worlds. It is up to us to decide how our day will be. You will inspire others by the way you live your life.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Life is One Big Lesson

Everyone has a different lesson to learn. We need to learn or lessons and move on. Don't get stuck on our journey of life because of fears. Don't let society our or childhood be the cause of those fears. You be the one to break that chain. I still have a tough time with my lessons. I use to say maybe this one is a life long lesson. That is not true. That is an excuse. One of the lessons that is hard for me is excepting the gift of knowing. Often I feel it is a gift and at times a curse. Writing these blogs are a big step for me. Doing so God has opened other doors for me. That is where my fear comes in. We live in a world where some think what I have is crazy or not open to this. Some of my outside acquaints didn't even know what I have. I started sharing this with them and noticed they haven't welcomed what I have because of there fears. Fearing I know all about them and what there wrongs are. I have had this all of my life. I do not judge. I am also learning through these blogs. Lets continue to have these spiritual awakenings together....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Protecting Yourself

Don't leave yourself wide open. When we do this we begin to take on other feelings and energies. When we are around people who are negative or draining we start to feel that way ourselves. Protect yourself. I imagine there is a shield all over my body protecting me. Nothing can get through. I also ask for my guides and angels to surround me with Love. We all have guides and angels who will help us on everything we do. Call on them they are waiting to hear from you. At the end of a stressful day I always take a white light shower. While you are in the shower imagine a white light surrounding you . This is the light of positive energy and protection. Think about all the negativity's of that day washing off you and going down the drain. You will then feel refreshed.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Spiritual Beauty

Today we will not worry about our physical being. Be happy with how you look and embrace your inner beauty. We are our own worst critic. Don't judge yourself. Fill your mind with enlightening thoughts. Look at yourself in a positive way. Once you can get beyond your physical being,your spiritual energy will shine through. That's what makes us beautiful. This is how others will see us.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Don't Settle on being a Passenger

Being in the driver seat you are in control of your own destiny. Stop asking for permission or making excuses. Be a leader make choices that are good for you. Nobody is more important than number one. YOU!!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Having Integrity is one of the best qualities in a person. It is a very powerful word. This is something we all have to work on everyday.It is a balance of self respect and confidence. Doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason. Being a man of your word....
"It is better to have an enemy who keeps his word,than a friend who does not"....
Be that person who is reliable,honest,punctual and is respectful of others no matter what there opinion is or there ethical background. Our purpose here is to be good teachers.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Facing your Fears

The challenges we face in life keep us strong. Overcoming our fears is a tough one .Fear is crippling to the soul. So today dare to face your fears and you will learn so much more about yourself. You have a very strong mind. Put in positive thoughts and you will overcome and achieve so much more than you could ever imagine.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My First Article

I want to share some exciteing news with my viewers.My first article was published today at Ezine articles click the side bar and search Jacqueline Dixon.
Feedback is always welcome.Become a follower.

The Scales of Life

Remember your strengths outweigh your weaknesses. Keep focusing on yourself and know you are worthy!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Communication is Key

For any relationship to work you need communication. It doesn't matter how you communicate as long as you do. That doesn't mean you need to yell or cuss. Most of the time if you start yelling or cussing the other person can't hear what your trying to express. Learn how to be a good listener. You don't always have to see eye to eye. That's what make us who we are. You will feel so much better when you start expressing your inner self.

Your feelings are important for new growth.

Monday, June 28, 2010


For some of us it is life learning not to have expectations. When you give, give from the heart not because you expect things in return.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Celebrate You Today

Today look in the mirror and be proud of who you are.Compliment yourself! Today is all about you.Be selfish snd give yourself permission to be happy and watch how effective and contagious your smile is.
You have a glorious spirit...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Letting Go

Don't spend your day dwelling on the past you may have had a troubled childhood,unhealthy relationships,or a financial setback. Stop carrying that around with you. You will eventually develop a victim mentality. Letting go is the most difficult thing to do but if you don't start forgiving yourself or those who have done you wrong you will not be able to have new growth. New growth is when you start to see the good in your life. That's a start to become a better you.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Love Yourself

How we see ourselves is very important to how others see us. Love yourself and be confidant and you are guarenteed to go far in life. Walk with your head held high and know you have a purpose. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed or maybe it seems you are going through some unexpected changes in your life. Today welcome those changes good or bad you will see how much you are growing and be proud of you.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Remember there are many choices we make in the world that not only effect us but people around you.Before you make that choice know that you are a part of something bigger than you can imagine.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Empowering Your Mind

You will not focus on your weaknesses today. Just your strengths. Learn to love your self and manage your faults. A vision is more powerful than you think!!
Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.....

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A New Day

Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. It's how you arrange your mind. You have a choice. You can spend the day in bed, or focus on a new day and all the memories you have stowed away.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Although it is important to have enough material wealth to meet your needs,Loved ones and friends are the real treasures of life and happiness is the real wealth...
Life is precious and too short to spend it trying to accumulate things that in the end will pale in comparison to possesing peace of mind...
Aim for the best level of health you can achieve...
A place where you truly feel at home...
Feelings that make you feel so alive...
The smiles your favorite memories can bring and all those of emense value....
That my friends will never have price tags on them...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Free your heart from hatred...Free your mind from worries...Live simply...Give more...Expect less...