Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Love Yourself

How we see ourselves is very important to how others see us. Love yourself and be confidant and you are guarenteed to go far in life. Walk with your head held high and know you have a purpose. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed or maybe it seems you are going through some unexpected changes in your life. Today welcome those changes good or bad you will see how much you are growing and be proud of you.

1 comment:

  1. Let me begin by saying what a warm, wonderful, caring person you are, Jackie.
    You share your extraordinary God-given gift to promote love. You have touched me deeply.
    One thing you have helped me realize is that God's love and mercy is greater than sin. If a person is truly sorry and has sincerely worked to correct prior wrongs, God is pleased.

    You have helped me learn that God wants me to live my best life and work to promote all that is good. It was impossible to do that when my thoughts were constantly driven by guilt and regret.

    I know He is pleased with me now. I have overcome those feelings and replaced them with appreciation for His love and mercy. Once that happened, I cleared my mind and heart and devoted my thoughts to all that is good. Although it is still a struggle at times, my "self talk" has improved dramatically.

    Now I can really dedicate myself to realizing God's mission for me on earth. With each day, my vision becomes clearer and clearer.

    Thank you for helping me realize that I was wasting my days worrying. Because of you, Jackie, I am free of self depreciating thoughts and full of desire to promote God's love for the betterment of others.
