Monday, September 27, 2010

A new day
A new vision....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Answered Prayers

All our prayers are answered.

Many times God enlists people to act as Earth Angels who bring you answers to your prayers.
Be alert to help that comes your way and be sure to except that help.
You do deserve this.....

I was asking and praying for help yesterday and my prayers were answered by a stranger.
I looked up and thanked God and my Angels.

Keep Praying for YOU!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Music lifts the soul

Take time today to listen to music.
Add more music to your life.
When you sing it is a release of happiness.

Ask your angels to play music today that lifts you up.
When you are in your car or maybe at home listen to the radio.
Your Angels will have you hear songs that are messages for you.

Maybe you have your own musical gifts that you share with others.
Let your Angels guide you to help others through your music or songs.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rearview Mirror

Stop looking in the rear view mirror of life.

We can't do anything about the past,and we have no guarantees about the future we can only fix the right now.
Your past does not have to poison your future.
When you go to bed at night ask God to forgive you and seek forgiveness from anyone you may have hurt.
Forgive the people who have hurt you.
And most importantly forgive yourself.

It is not healthy to hold on to these feelings this will stop you from growing.
Just because you forgive it does not mean that the situation you went through was o.k.
You will never forget what was done to you but if you let it go and give it to God you will only get better.

I had mentioned my father not being well and visiting him often.
My father has never been a very spiritual man. He has been asking me alot about God and heaven.
I started reading him the bible and he said he found this comforting but he was afraid he wouldn't be forgiven for all his wrong doings.
I told him God forgives everyone no matter what they have done and his answer to me was why would he forgive me if I never let him into my life.
I then got chills all over me and my angel whispered in my ear tell him God has always been with him he never left.

God will always be here for us we have to let him in.
We can not dwell on the past but keep looking forward.
We are not perfect we will make mistakes.
Learn from them and move on.

Friday, September 17, 2010

God does not send us problems but sometimes He allows us to go through them.
He may be trying to toughen you up a little and teach you not to run from everything that is hard.
God will not change the people we are around He will only change YOU.

Look inside yourself today and see if there are any changes that God can help you with.
Sometimes God puts people in our path to learn about ourselves.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Higher Thoughts

We must continue to keep our mind set on higher things.
The higher things are the positive that is happening in our life.
Learn to look at the best in every situation.
Believe have Faith and ask your Angels and God for guidance.

When something negative happens in our life the first thoughts we have are not positive thoughts. Negative thoughts bombard us. Right then and there we must choose to trust God and not allow ourselves to get down and discouraged or just give up.
We choose where our mind goes and if we keep positive, Positive things happen.

Get your mind set on happiness,peace,love,abundance, and those things will overcome any negative that comes your way.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Special People

Because the sun can't shine everyday
We have good friends to keep the day bright...

Today Thank that special person in your life that always seems to make your day brighter even on the most darkest days.
Continue to ask your Angels to put people in your path that are good for you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Prayer For My Dad

As I sit here silently with my dad I pray for him
He no longer prays for himself
Help him Lord to forgive himself and all his wrong doings
I trust in you Father
Let me be a channel of your calming peace
For his pain is to deep for my words
Whisper to him your words of love
He stands in need of strength
I put my trust in you Lord to show him the way
Lift up his soul and fill his heart with love

My Dad is not well and I have been very busy going back and forth to the hospital so I apologize for not writing for awhile
I ask my angels and guides for there comfort
And continue to pray for strength to get through

Friday, September 3, 2010

"Oh Ye of Little Faith"

Give us more Faith.
We have so little....we say.
Yet we have faith in each other.
We have faith in people whom we do not know -
In checks and banks,in trains and airplanes,
in cooks, and in strangers who drive us in cabs.
Forgive us for our stupidity,
Help Us have faith in you who knows us altogether

Thursday, September 2, 2010


It is easy to discount your family or take them for granted.
Your family is a part of your history.
Your family is a part of who you are.

It may be hard to sometimes connect with one another because we all are on different paths and journeys.
Try not to judge and learn to accept them for who they are.
Pray for them.
And let them know you Love them.....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Reving Up Your Body

Pay attention to your Physical Body.
Ask your Angels to help you motivate yourself to exercise and eat better.
Think of your physical being as a car.
You need to get tune ups to run properly.

Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do for YOU!